First Night at AGU – TIL

Today I Learned, on good authority, that it remains impossible to exclude 3 meters of sea level rise within a single human lifetime from West Antarctica alone.

If it is possible, it’s further impossible to exclude it in the lifetimes of people now living.

The time scales of the collapse of calving ice sheets depend sensitively on temperature and on the height of the cliff. [more]

Climate Science and Falsifiability

John Nielsen-Gammon: “science doesn’t work by making predictions about future events, for the most part; it makes predictions about observable aspects of the world, things detectable in the present. The amount of trust scientists place in climate models, for example, depends on their ability to simulate relevant aspects of the past and present world. The amount of trust the public places in climate science should depend on the weight of evidence in the past and present world, which is enormous.” [more]